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Resisting Cop Cities and the Militarization of Policing

Resisting Cop Cities and the Militarization of Policing

*Interview with Pluto Press (UK) What happens when the police become an army? Since 1997, the US Department of Defense has transferred more than $7.2bn in military equipment to law enforcement agencies. This militarization has, unsurprisingly, been shown to unjustly impact on Black communities and is associated with increased killings by police. The Police Public Safety Training Center in Atlanta – more commonly known as ‘Cop City’ – is just the latest manifestation of the militarization of policing. It is a costly and controversial endeavor, being forced through by the local Democrat-run administration, in the face of widespread opposition among local communities. Resistance to the project has been met with spurious legal roadblocks, activist intimidation and violent repression. But Cop City is far from being just a local issue; almost every US state now has a Cop City project of their own in some stage of development, and the logic, structures and ramifications of Cop Cities are truly international. In this episode we are joined by Liliana, Joy James and Kalonji Changa to discuss the history of Cop Cities, the parallels with the notorious School of the Americas, and the ways in which the tactics and logic of US imperialism abroad are being brought to bear on working class and racialized communities at home. — Liliana is an immigrant from Colombia based in Houston, Texas. She is an abolitionist and has worked directly with prisoners on death row and their families. She is the co-host of the radio show ‘Voz de La Tierra’ on KPFT Pacifica, discussing the geopolitical effects of militarism, policing, imperialism, and racism on Indigenous, Black, and immigrant colonized communities across the globe. Joy James is an organizer and author. Her recent books include In Pursuit of Revolutionary Love; New Bones Abolition: Captive Maternal Agency and the (After)Life of Erica Garner; and Contextualizing Angela Davis: The Agency and Identity of an Icon. She is the editor of Beyond Cop Cities: Dismantling State and Corporate-Funded Armies and Prisons, and the forthcoming ENGAGE: Indigenous, Black, and Afro-Indigenous Futures. Joy also works with the Guerrilla Intellectual University (GIU) podcast collective on Black Power Media (BPM). Kalonji Jama Changa is an organizer and founder of the FTP Movement. He is the author of How to Build a People’s Army and co-producer of the documentary Organizing Is the New Cool. Kalonji is founder of Black Power Media and serves as co-chair of the Urban Survival and Preparedness Institute.
GIU -Decolonizing Feminism + Captive Maternal Agency
VITAL HOOPS (Ep. 71) "Africa United" Feat. Ruben Castro

VITAL HOOPS (Ep. 71) "Africa United" Feat. Ruben Castro

On Episode 71 of the VITAL HOOPS Podcast “Africa United” Ruben speaks about growing up in Germany playing basketball, facing racism and eventually understanding the importance of identifying as an Afrikan. Ruben later speaks about his latest trip to Cuba and his organisation Africa United S.C.  Download Afropiq Magazine Volume 2 (for free) and check out the article “Hidden History” on the Independent Party of Color from Cuba. ⁠⁠ Book Recommendations: Ruben: “How Europe Underdeveloped Africa” by Walter Rodney “The groundings with my brothers” by Walter Rodney “Assata: An Autobiography” by Assata Shakur Fernando: “We Are Our Own Liberators: Selected Prison Writings” by Jalil Muntaqim Ruben Castro: IG - Africa United Sports Club: ⁠⁠ All-African People´s Revolutionary Party: ⁠⁠ MST work in Zambia: ⁠⁠ & ⁠⁠ & ⁠⁠ Popular Library Zambia ⁠⁠ Thomas Sankara Center Burkina Faso Links: ⁠⁠ VITAL HOOPS: PayPal - ⁠⁠ Patreon - ⁠⁠ IG - ⁠⁠ Email - ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ VITAL HOOPS is 4 THE KULTURE #vitalhoops #vitalhoopspodcast #blackpowermedia #blackpowermediareloaded #340ms #guerrillarepublik #guerrillarepublikcuba #4thekulture #panafricanleagueumoja #liguepanafricaineumoja #diasporarockers #rubencastro #africaunited #africanunitedsc
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